As valued members, associates and partners in the supply of water, the Directors of the Water Supply Association invite you to participate in this survey to help us better support the water supply industry. With the limitations created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the WSABC Directors are looking at this time to better understand the industry expectations. The responses received will help guide us on future conferences, meetings and services provided to our membership. For those who are willing to enter their name and contact information, it will go into a draw and the winner will receive $100 off their annual membership dues for 2021. Please assist us and fill out the survey and submit it no later than September 25th, 2020. We appreciate your input and look forward to your responses!

WSA Planning Survey

WSA Planning Survey

As valued members, associates and partners in the supply of water, the Directors of the Water Supply Association invite you to participate in this survey to help us better support the water supply industry. With the limitations created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the WSABC Directors are looking at this time to better understand the industry expectations. The responses received will help guide us on future conferences, meetings and services provided to our membership. For those who are willing to enter their name and contact information, it will go into a draw and the winner will receive $100 off their annual membership dues for 2021. Please assist us and fill out the survey and submit it no later than September 25th, 2020. We appreciate your input and look forward to your responses!

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 4

Optional. Fill in if you wanted an entry to the prize!
Optional. Fill in if you wanted an entry to the prize!
Please identify what type of organization you represent.
  • Spring Workshop
  • Operator Training
  • Tradeshow
  • Fall Workshop
  • Interactive Workshop ( e,.g. Agricultural water use )
  • Website, information and resources
  • White papers supporting regulatory issues
How else could the Association serve you better?
How would you like us to deliver this additional information?