Latest News – Recent Annual Conference in Sun Peaks a Success..
The Water Supply Association of BC just wrapped up our Annual General Meeting and Conference with a long overdue return to Sun Peaks Resort north of Kamloops.
The WSABC was last there in October 2024. The hotel, the setting, the weather and the content made for a very enjoyable few days. This year’s event, held on October 24 and 25, saw some 24 utilities sending 92 delegates to the conference.
Thursday started with more than 20 people attending a tour of the Sun Peaks wastewater facility at the base of the resort. We thank the utility for being excellent hosts.
Dam safety training was held with two training modules presented by Nathan Valsangakar of Northwest Hydraulics Consultants. In the afternoon, a presentation on rising costs was provided by Matt Smith Urban Systems. Our AGM followed with elections and one new Director, James Kay of Big White Utility. The trade show, which is a compact and high energy event, was held from 3:00 – 6:30 pm, complete with appies, door prizes and beverages, followed by our annual banquet. The food was excellent with the beef at Sun Peaks provided by Paul Devick’s ranch in the nearby Heffley Creek Irrigation District.
Awards were presented at the end of the evening with our Manufacturers, Suppliers & Consultants award going to Joel Sansome of Mueller Canada. Joel has been a consistent and valued contributor to the water industry for many years and he has specifically supported the WSABC in our communications with the manufacturing group. The Service Award this year was given to Dr. Anna Warwick-Sears, who for the past 18 years has been the Executive Director of the Okanagan Basin Water Board. Anna has been a consistent and positive voice for partnerships, collaboration, and progress for water management in the BC Southern Interior.
The evening ended with a Special Lifetime Member Award presented to Cheryl Halla. The WSABC and former organization the Association of BC Irrigation Districts, has been in existence since 1923 with only 10 persons having received this award. Don Dobson was the last to receive it in 2019. Cheryl is the first woman and is very deserving, having organized many, many conferences, and missing only one conference since 1988. The Directors and two other lifetime members all recognized that there is no one more passionate about the health and continued success of the WSABC than Cheryl Halla, who is very deserving of this award.
Friday morning we were provided with a wonderful welcome from Nancy Green Raine, who was stepping in for her ailing husband Al, who is Mayor of Sun Peaks.
See the photo below
Presentation highlights included the unprecedented 2023 drought experienced by Kamloops, forestry changes from Ray Crampton of the Ministry of Forests, progress and changes Interior Health is making from Ivor Norlin, and the challenges and issues experienced with the High Pressure Concrete pipe break and repairs in the City of Calgary by Justin Hebner. We look forward to seeing everyone next year.
Photo – First thing Friday morning – The smiling technical group with Nancy Green Raine (in the middle behind Cheryl and Patti who are seated)