Industry Links
American Water Works Association
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The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is a large American based association serving as a resource for knowledge, information, and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of drinking water.

BC Water and Waste Association
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The B.C. Water and Wastewater Association is an operator training and educational resource association for the water distribution and wastewater treatment industry. The BCWWA is an affiliate of the American Water Works Association.

Civic Info BC
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CivicInfo BC is a web-based resource the main goal of which is to facilitate information sharing and collaboration among people who work, or have an interest in the British Columbia local government sector.

Environment Canada
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The Environment Canada website is an excellent source for weather forecasts, satellite images of weather patterns and long term seasonal weather predictions.

Environmental Operators Certification Program
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The Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) is an independent society that sets the standards for certification of operators in the water distribution, water treatment and wastewater treatment fields. All water systems in the province are required by law to have EOCP certified operators.

Farm West
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The Farm West website is a commercial website devoted to the agricultural sector. It has an abundance of information related to farming including detailed climate and evapotranspiration information, which is very helpful in developing irrigation scheduling.

Government of British Columbia
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The government of B.C. website provides access to all matters pertaining to water regulation. This site is very large and there is no central agency that can provide information about all aspects of water regulation. This can make it difficult to track down water information. If you have trouble finding the information you are looking for call Enquiry BC at 1-800-663-7867.

Interior Health
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The Interior Health Authority is the regulatory agency responsible for public drinking water in the southern interior of the province. Drinking Water Officers, Medical Health Officers, Environmental Health Officers and Public Health Engineers make up a team of professionals who oversee the regulation and safety of the public water supply.

Kelowna Joint Water Committee
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The Kelowna Joint Water Committee (KJWC) is made up of the five water purveyors serving the city of Kelowna. This site provides information about the activities of the KJWC as well as information about where your water comes from, links to the other water purveyors and the latest water quality advisories.

Okanagan Basin Water Board
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The Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB) is a statutory authority established under the Municipal Validating and Enabling Act in 1969. The objectives of the OBWB are to define water resource management challenges in the Okanagan Valley and determine priorities and opportunities for solving them.

Okanagan WaterWise
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Okanagan Waterwise is a public outreach and education initiative of the Okanagan Basin Water Board, promoting conservation and protection of our shared water. The site is a great source for information about water use, protection and conservation in the Okanagan Valley.

Streamlined Water Use Reporting Tool
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The Streamlined Water User Reporting Tool (SWURT) is a simple and user-friendly online interface for large volume water users within the Okanagan watershed to report their water use. SWURT improves efficiency for both the water user and government agencies by standardizing data collection, organizing the information, and providing it back in a useable form. For more information or to sign-up to the program contact Nelson Jatel at (250) 469-6295.
Sustainable Infrastructure Society
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The Sustainable Infrastructure Society (SIS) was incorporated in 2005 as a non-profit society in British Columbia. It is located on the campus of the University of Victoria (UVIC) in Victoria, British Columbia. It was established with support from the BC Ministry of Health and the Innovation and Development Corporation of the University of Victoria. The SIS mission is to create and implement programs which provide convenient and affordable access to products and services for community infrastructure organizations.

Water Research Foundation
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Water Research Foundation – Devoted to advancing the science of water, the Water Research Foundation gives drinking water utilities and suppliers practical solutions to today’s most complex challenges.

Water Supply Association of BC
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The Water Supply Association of B.C. represents many water suppliers throughout the southern interior of the province. Formerly the Association of B.C. Irrigation Districts, the WSABC was established in 1923 and is an advocate for the interests of British Columbia’s domestic and irrigation water suppliers.

Canadian Water Directory – CWSA SUPPLIERS
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Suppliers who are an associate member of the WSABC, this link will take you to the Canadian Water Directory